Our therapists carry out a complete skincare consultation as purifying Palo santo wood burns in the
treatment room. The power of our skincare and highly concentrated elixirs, proven to restore, rejuvenate
and repair the skin which are combined with traditional therapeutic and holistic techniques allow a
t ruly personal ised and resul ts focused treatment. Stimulating li f ting movements, lymphatic drainage
and facial reflexology aid in the release of tension and promote radiant complexion. This treatment
provides deep relaxation and a balanced sense of self.


Palo santo wood purifies the treatment room as our expert therapists begin with a cleansing foot bath and
complete skincare consultation in order for us to personalise the treatment. A thirty minute deep t issue back
massage, with Shiatsu pressure points and hot stones induce deep relaxation and aid the release of
accumulated tensions especially in the upper back and shoulder area. The relaxation continues through the
facial as the skin is cleansed, analysised, exfoliated and nourished with our natural and effective range of
skincare products, personalising each facial wi th our highly concentrated elixirs, proven to restore, rejuvenate
and repair the skin. An array of massage techniques designed to lift and tone the skin are used as
well as hot and cold Jade stones resulting in releasing tension and promoting a glowing complexion. Both
facial and foot reflexology are used to invite you into a state of slumber. While yogic breathing at the end helps
to awaken and inspire you to gently come back to your senses and the outside world.